Scammers, not gurus...

There is a relatively new scam going around (as in just the past couple of years) concerning cashiers checks. Essentially the scam is that someone will offer to pay you (for an item on eBay, or many other things) with a cashiers check, then they will send you a check that is much too large and ask you to send money to someone else (a shipper or something). The check is a fraud, however it's a good enough one that the banks won't catch it right away and will deposit the balance in your account. You then send the item and wire the money back to whoever the guy asked. A week or so later when the check is determined to have been a fraud, the bank will take the money back out of your account (with a penalty for "their troubles"), but your item and your wired cash are already gone for good.

Biff and I were targets of this just about a year ago (several months before I began this blog). I thought it might be fun to walk you through the path of the scam, including the warning signs that made us cautious, even before we had heard of such a scam.

It began when we posted a vacancy on a renting website. A few days later we received an inquiry from a gentleman who claimed to be a Dutch importer. He asked for some pictures (which is relatively normal) explaining that he would be moving to the United States for a couple of years on business.

WARNING #1: Biff and I have a very well documented application process that includes a credit check. Since this guy was from overseas a credit check would be nearly impossible, and I told Biff as much.

We didn't want to discount the possibility of renting to him though, since we were having some trouble generating interest in the property. The vacancy was to begin in Janurary, which is a relatively slow period.

He sent back this email:

===== Original Message From =====
Pls could you get back to me with your phone number,i would like to give you a call to explain things.There are some things in the application that i dont feel to comfortable about giving out, except in person.Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you

WARNING #2 - Our application was pretty standard stuff. Addresses, identification info, references, etc. We haven't had anyone balk at our applications yet, he was the first.

This itself was odd to us, since our application was relatively standard. But since the gentleman claimed to be from overseas, Biff agreed to the call. The call was routed through Canada (or so it indicated on Biff's caller ID), and the connection was horrible. Now for those of you who've never had the pleasure of calling overseas, a real phone line is hard to mess up. I've called my family from China and from England so far, and both of those connections were both quick and clear. So when Morgens call was so staticy that Biff could barely understand him.

WARNING #3 - Anyone who claims to do international business but can't make a clear phone call to the US has some serious issues.

The one thing we got from the call though was that Morgens intended to make payment via a certified check. This seemed legit to us at the time because we weren't aware of the fraud. However, he was insisting on sending it to us right away, despite the fact that he hadn't completed an application yet and we hadn't agreed on accpeting him as a tenant.

WARNING #4 - He tried to essentially bypass the application process, tempting us with a big check.

Biff, while cautious because a few red flags were flying, was willing to continue the application process. After all, we certainly didn't want to discriminate against someone because they weren't American. However we needed to assert extra caution before making any agreements. If he insisted upon sending the check, we'd just run the credit check after it arrived. We had never turned someone down because of a bad credit check (our rents tend to be in the higher range, discouraging those types of renters), so we had no reason to assume that he would be any different.

Biff sent him back a reply:


Excellent talking with you. As requested, here is my mailing address to send the certified check: I know our phone connection was not all that good, but I'd like to make sure that we agree on what we discussed.

a) You will send a certified check to my home address in the amount of $1990. This will cover your $800 security deposit (refundable at the end of your lease) and your first month's rent of $1190. You may prepay additional months if you like.

b) You will e-mail me the electronic application I sent to you, filled with the information you feel comfortable providing

c) You will send me via mail the missing information in the application (driver's license info, or whatever information you feel is necessary to verify your identity and credit history) along with your certified check.

Once this process is complete, if we accept your application, I will send you the lease agreement, which will include the term of your lease, your rights, your responsibilities, etc. I think we can certainly come to an agreement and can resolve these issues, despite the present difficulties of communicating overseas. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best Regards,

Our intent was to accept the check (but not cash it) and then do whatever research we could on this guy. At the very least we could have contacted his references in his home country and done some research on how to run a credit check in the Netherlands. I'm still not certain if you are capable of doing this, but since US credit checks are so easy to run from anywhere in the world, I had assumed that Europe would be equally easy.

Now is this a little excessive to be trying to dig up stuff on a guy who isn't even in the country just to fill a vacancy? Probably. But Biff and I are both young and to be honest, it was still kind of a game to us. Half of the fun was in figuring out new things and we were embracing every challenge. The other reason we were pursuing this was that we had no other bites on that vacancy yet. Honestly, if someone local had filled out an application, we'd simply have sent our apologies to Morgens and dealt with the local. But at this point there were no other bites at all.

Now Morgens think he has us hooked. He writes us back this e-mail:

>===== Original Message From =====
Thanks for your reply and also for assisting me. I have sent you a certified bank check in your name and to your address. I'll be paying for 2 months($1990) but will be sending a check worth $6490. You'll kindly cash the check and deduct your funds for the house and you will send the excess funds to my shipper . He is to ship my belongings down to the US and i have kept him on hold for too long. I am doing this so as to secure the house first before he transfers my belongings to the location,this is the only assistance i will be needing from you and will be most grateful.Pls if there is anything you don't understand pls get back at me as soon as possible. Thanks and hope to see you soon.
Morgens Smith

There's the trap. He intends to send us a very large check and then send the "excess" funds over to his "shipper". So the goal of the game is revealed and Biff and I start to figure out that something is definitely wrong with this guy. He's asking us to handle over $4000 of his money? Still unaware of the cashiers check fraud, we started to wonder about money laundering schemes.

Note also that while we're requested that he send us a copy of his driver's license and other forms of ID with the check, Morgens is just talking about the check. He has no intention of sending us that information, and his goal is for us to be so excited by the large sum on the check that we forget about all of our documentation. This is why having a system that you follow works, it helps override the emotion of getting a check for the vacancy that you desperately want to fill.

Right around this time we received a mass mailing from the website that we advertised on describing this scam in detail. We identified Morgens as a fraud immediately (we were very suspicious of him as it was), and pretty much discontinued contact with him. We did receive the certified check and informed the FBI, though don't expect anything to come from it. Most of these scammers work out of loosely regulated nations, such as Nigeria, where law enforcement can't track them down.

Right after this episode with Morgens, Biff received two more e-mails, on the same day:

Laurence Johnson has inquired about your property on Military By Owner.

# Comments: I am interested in this place for rent I have seen the photos and they are great!!! About Me My name is Laurence Johnson, a British Archaeologist. I am currently embarking on a research in US. I have completed all official processes. The research would take about a year and so I am looking for a year's lease. As I am already aware there needs to be an application process and income verification. I will not be able to provide some of the needed information due to my status as an independent Scientist with funding from Financiers. To this end, I will be willing to make payment for the 12 months period which I am going to occupy the place for rent. This payment would be coming from my financier. I hope this solves things. Please send me the lease agreement for my review. Talk to you soon. Thanks. Laurence.

This highly questionable request (again note the request for us to send him the lease for review, assuming that we'd take him. His goal is to send us a check as soon as possible, bypassing any paperwork or identification if possible) was followed almost immediately with this one:

My name is Jeff Newman, a British Archaeologist. I am currently embarking on a research in US. I have completed all official processes. The research would take about a year and so I am looking for a year's lease. As I am already aware there needs to be an application process and income verification. I will not be able to provide some of the needed information due to my status as an independent Scientist with funding from Financiers. To this end, I will be willing to make payment for the 12 months period which I am going to occupy the place for rent. This payment would be coming from my financier. I hope this solves things. Please send me the lease agreement for my review. Talk to you soon. Thanks.

At least the scammers aren't very organized. Score one for the good guys.

The importance of this article (besides making you aware of a common scam), is to emphasize the necessity of a good process. Biff and I carefully thought out our tenant selection process, which helps us avoid falling for traps like this, even when we have a vacant property that we were feeling pressured to rent out quickly. Because of that, we were very suspicious of our international friend well before we knew how his scam worked.

If you are looking to rent out property, make a very well-documented process. You have no idea how many landlords take in tenants that they otherwise wouldn't just because of some sob story or a financial pressure. Decisions made emotionally often make a situation worse, not better. Make your decisions now, document all the steps you will follow, so that you don't have to make them when you are under pressure.

If you want to read some more about this scam, read this one person's experience with Nigerian scammers when he tried to sell his SAAB.

Here are a few more links on the scam:

The US Government's warning's page on the Nigerian Cashier's Check scam


三重古天樂 said...

酒店經紀 酒店小姐 酒店經紀公司
台北酒店工作 台北酒店經紀人 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 酒店公關 酒店上班 台北酒店上班 酒店打工 酒店工作內容 酒店pt 台北酒店 便服店 禮服店 酒店 酒店工作 酒店上班時間 酒店上班薪水 酒店上班內容 現領 當日領
打工兼職 打工兼差 酒店營業時間
酒店經濟 酒店面試

酒店經紀 酒店打工 酒店工作 酒店上班 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 打工兼差 打工兼職 台北酒店 酒店應徵 禮服店 酒店 經紀 打工 兼差便服店 台北酒店經紀 酒店薪水 酒店工作內容 酒店時間 酒店經濟 美式餐廳 台北咖啡廳 永康街咖啡廳

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.05.18酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容受到疫情影響,全台酒店、我在酒店上班的日子遭勒令停業,酒店小姐也暫時失業。一名網友就表示酒店小姐一定有S?,他看到有些新時代的獨立女性都會說,做酒店 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕趕緊存錢,且不偷不搶已經存到人生第一桶金;不過原PO好奇,「酒店妹職場須知 【酒店PT 】不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?」貼文曝光後引發熱議。原PO在PTT指出,他看到一些新時代的獨立女性,都會說做酒店不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕存錢,「不偷不搶已經存了第一桶金,酸民有嗎?」而這種文章下面一堆女孩點讚,但原PO疑惑,「酒店妹不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?有沒有酒店打工這方面的八卦?」貼文一岀引發熱議,網友紛紛回應:「不一定賣身是在說別人,用別人的案例說服你」、「好像帶出場做什麼都可以,就是賣時間陪你,但S要另計的樣子」、「就S…不然能幹嘛」、「看是哪種框」。除了發生性行為外,也有過來人舉出自己的經驗,紛紛表示「玩動物森友會」、「麻將缺一位,湊酒店妹不行哦?」「有錢人都花錢帶酒店妹去聊天啊」、「吃清粥小菜」、「唱歌、打保齡球、打撞球、射飛鏢」、「看臉,臉不OK就吃消夜」、「打遊戲王卡」、「踏青旅遊逛書展」、「上次帶一個大學生出場,請她幫我寫期中報告」、「我朋友上次框酒店妹出來幫他解微積分題目,給你參考 」、「談情說愛」、「遊戲王決鬥啊,妹子沒輸過」、「探討人生哲理」、「補習英文啦」、「相約考國考」。

梁爵 said...

2020.06.03酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大行業陸續解封,其中台中市已經有75家酒店在昨(1)我在酒店上班的日子日正式復工,不過業者不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因還是得落實防疫規定,所有工作人員都必須戴口罩、保持社交距離,違反規定者最重可處歇業處分。鞭炮聲響起,台中市酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金酒店在停業1個半月後重新開張,原本酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?用來宣傳店內的佳麗跑馬燈,改成為第一線醫護人員加油打氣,防疫依舊不能鬆懈。首日復工全面備戰,員警到場臨檢,職場須知 【酒店PT 】一個一個得接受體溫測量才能進到店內查核,確保場內所有人都有戴口罩、保持社交距離,落實實名登記制。但疫情過後,驚傳酒店女不回去了。前酒店小姐:「今天才第一天開業而已,然後大家都趕快叫小姐回去,有的人轉正業,可能沒辦法馬上離職,缺小姐一定有。」酒店公關黃先生:「如果沒有(小姐)的話我們可以再應徵啊,沒有其他薪水比酒店高的啦,所以她們也是不得不回來。」很多人想找酒店上班,卻沒有良好的管道,媽咪的部落格算是管道之一!但媽咪要請妳問一下自己確定要來酒店上班了嗎?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與,這表示我還不夠好,而且不誨言的,我也希望收入可以增加!) 雖說酒店上班一個星期的收入等於一個上班族一個月二至三萬的薪水,八大行業絕不是輕鬆的工作很多沒在酒店上班過的都認為酒店上班是個輕鬆的工作、薪水也很多,其實薪水是有比一般工作要來的多沒錯。這陣子酒店休業損失慘重,貼出營業公告中多了一行「應徵酒店女」。受疫情衝擊的還有計程車司機。計程車司機:「差很多啦,以前都有(一天)2、3千,現在1千不到,(這陣子都去做什麼工作?)做鐵工啊。」酒店首日復工,業者全力衝刺拚業績,疫情趨緩之際,酒店開業防疫還是得擺第一。Q:未成年為什麼不能到酒店打工? A:法務部有規定未成年不得進出酒家、特種咖啡茶室、電子遊戲場...等等違反的話最嚴重的罰責是"歇業"或"停業究竟要如何在第一天就上手酒店的工作呢?許多人都認為酒店是個複雜的環境,不過與現實社會的壓力相較,酒店上班家人、男友會知道嗎?酒店兼職懶人包,酒店應徵必須懂的事,閃酒秘訣大公開,面對奧客一次就上手,酒店工作前應該注意的幾件事,這裡沒有天花亂墜的酒店應徵,都會問說到酒店上班要不要簽約。 事實上一般都是不需要簽約。

梁爵 said...

2,職場須知 【酒店PT 】因為S的問題!雖然現在已經資訊發達,法律也有各種明確規定了,但是不能否認還是有非常極少數的敗類利用毒品、高利貸、感情(就是所謂的老二酒店經紀)拐騙脅迫一些女性作非自願的 S,但是那都是非常少數,而且會在短時間內就被警方查獲的。我們是經營了二十幾年的酒店經紀公司,不可能為了脅迫姐妹S而將公司信譽毀於一旦。基本上酒店小姐的工作本質就是俗話說的:賣笑不身。姐妹去到別的任何一家酒店經紀公司或是酒店應徵酒店小姐,如果他們用脅迫的方式逼妳做 S 的話,那就直接去檢警單位檢舉告發吧!
3,已婚或是有男朋友.俗話說「如果有頭髮沒有人願意當禿頭」,酒店是一個特種行業,主要工作內容就是服務男性酒店客人,但是感情的獨佔慾望是每一個人都有的,99.9% 的姐妹都是為了經濟壓力才會來酒店打工的,尤其是已婚、有男朋友的姐妹若不是為了錢,怎麼可能會有來酒店上班的念頭?就好像女性也萬萬不能接受自己的男人去牛郎店上班是同樣的道理。
5,年紀與條件問題.如果姐妹已經滿18歲,那這個問題其實根本不是問題,因為酒店小姐身分證上只是一個數字,代表酒店小姐真正的年紀是心態與外表。我十幾年的酒店經驗,也看過不少的酒店小姐,我所知道每一家酒店持續的前三名都是三十多歲的姐妹,年輕辣妹偶爾會有一陣子前三名,不過都只是曇花一現而已,這證明了酒店小姐的年紀不是問題,問題在心態!有了自信之後就剩下外表的問題,有些姐妹說:「老天爺不賞飯吃,就讓我天生長得這樣。」聽起來似乎很有道理,我們撇開可憐的殘障問題不談,我看了很多姐妹的問題就是一個「過於肥胖」的問題,90%的肥胖決不是天生的,讓我不禁想起「只有懶女人沒有醜女人」這句話。所以姐妹們不要只是因為要到酒店上班才注意自己的體態,為了自己的健康與自信,平常就應該隨時注意自己的飲食與運動,如果姐妹們有心調整自己的體態,Trust me,You can make it!

梁爵 said...

1: 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容已現在酒店上班沒有所謂的簽合約/切結書,因為這樣是綁小姐的做法,很不道德…【小姐總有一天會離開,強求她留在八大這是不人道的行為】
2: 我在酒店上班的日子在職人員想更換經紀人或酒店不想做了…卻有合約在身怎麼辦~…!?我梁曉尊直接跟你說可以馬上離開了
a : 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?合約內容酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
d : 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。

梁爵 said...

2020.08.09不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我很慶我幸身為一個女人。也很慶幸我是一個打扮起來還不差的女人。十八歲生日沒有狂歡沒有慶祝。酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容在網路上找了間經紀公司,當天下午就開始上班。我在酒店上班的日子年輕的肉體再加上尚未染上風塵的氣質,很快我成了店裡的紅牌。下午茶玩的是什麼? 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店晚上營業,下午時段店家場地借給午茶,就是在那樣的小包廂裡,一個客人一個小姐,大約五十分鐘的時間,就看小姐怎麼讓客人在這短短的時間小小的包廂裡喜歡上自己。酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?有客人喜歡,才會有指台,酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?才會有預約。中午十二點上班,晚上八、九點下班,換了衣服卸了妝,身邊沒有人發現我的工作特殊。一樣的一天八小時,每上一台我可以領個一千。或許吧!有的人覺得我出賣身體、出賣靈魂。但是我寧可出賣這些,也不想過像我的父母那樣的生活,那樣捉襟見肘的生活,那樣跟西家借錢還東家的生活,那樣無止盡為錢爭吵的生活,那樣要躲在家裡不出聲不開燈以免被發現的生活,那樣連感冒想去藥局買個成藥都要惦量惦量的生活。還記得工作第一個禮拜,我領了兩萬多的薪水。那些扣除林林總總後居然還有這樣多!這是我第一次拿著那麼多錢,我好想大聲地告訴我的父母,我會賺錢了,若是時光回溯,我是不是就可以幫上你們的忙了?大約過了兩三個月,一開始覺得「領好多錢」的感覺也沖淡了。開始審視自己要的是什麼?我想要有一個家,一個完完全全屬於我的家,一個不用因為繳不出房租被房東趕的家。於是我不再是那個滿足於一個禮拜領個三萬左右的女孩。

梁爵 said...

2020.10.04【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因其實很多人~對酒店有些不了解與誤會~以為酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容會去酒店上班的女生是愛慕虛榮,其實就我們多年經驗,會入行真的都是有旁大的經濟壓力。酒店小姐酒店公關酒店上班到底都在做麼?酒店也許不是最佳的選擇 卻是賺錢最快的方式之一 (有頭髮誰願意當禿子!!)為什麼呢!!!
每個人的生長背景環境不同所選擇的生活方式也有不同 沒有什麼對錯~
當別人批評妳的工作時,除了批評以外真的對妳沒有任何實質幫助 妳還是得面對自己的困難和人生啊!!

梁爵 said...
