Indicator of Success #3

I enjoy gambling. It's a bit of a confession, because I know that it's not a financially sound position. Even in the most player-friendly games, the house always wins. As a matter of fact, I think that I've only lost money at a casino once in my life, but I know that more a matter of luck than any measure of skill.

But let's look a Hypothetical Bill. Hypothetical Bill has figured out a secret formula to win at roulette. Normally the house has a 51.4% advantage, but Hypo Bill has figured out a method of betting that gives him a 51% chance of winning. In other words, our of every 100 games, he can expect to win 51, which is more than half. Technically this is called statistical arbitrage, a system where you are guaranteed to win over the long term, despite potential losses in the short term.

Hypo Bill walks into the casino with $1,000. He bets $200 on the first and wins $200. Emboldened by his success he bets $500 on the next hand and loses. Trying to make his money back, he bets another $500 and loses again. He's down to only $200. He bets it all and loses once more. Poor Hypo Bill is now broke.

What happened? He was a sure thing to make money when he walked into the casino, so why is he begging for cab fare outside?

He got greedy. The 4th indicator of success is the absence of a get-rich-quick mentality. There was nothing wrong with Bill's system, and he should have been making lots of money. But even when the odds are in your favor, it's still possible to lose. A winning strategy not only has to win more than it loses, but it has to survive those losses as well. If Bill had been betting $1 a hand he could have survived a very long losing streak. Of course it would have taken much longer to build a sweet bankroll.

What's the equivalent of Bill's betting strategy in the real estate world? Well a lot of people make money in real estate, it's not exactly rocket science. But compare Biff and I, with our two properties (each with at least 10% equity), to a beginning investor who has just bought 5 houses with No Money Down.

Let's say that the market stalls a bit and renters and buyers are hard to come by. Biff and I will feel the pain, as we have to dig into our pockets to cover our mortgages. The beginning investor, however, will be digging a hole so deep that he may never recover. Of course, the reverse is true and if the market is soaring then Biff and I won't make nearly as much profit as the newbie. But that's what makes the newbie a gambler and Biff and I investors. We're able to survive both the ups and the downs of the market, the newbie goes to bed every night praying that the market will climb.

How can you identify if you have the get-rich-quick mentality from simply wanting to maximize your investment and get good returns? Stop for a second and think about your past. One aspect of get-rich-quick is a desire to jump on board any idea that sounds lucrative. Not to jump on Casey Serin any more, but as the poster child of the "I deserve to be a millionaire without actually providing any value" generation, here's a subset of the "investments" he has looked into:
-single family homes
-penny stocks
-private equity (at supposedly a 5% return per month)
-cold fusion
-apartment ownership
-brokering large investments (sports teams and casinos)
-sure-fire roulette strategy (yes seriously. He probably meant the Martingale system, which doesn't work and is impossible to implement in modern casinos anyways.)

What's been his return on all of these investments? He's lost around $300k on single family homes, about $3k on penny stocks, and hasn't actually seen any gain from his other ideas.

Compare that to Biff and I, who've focused solely on single family homes (with some 401k's in funds as well) and have made around $30k-$35k each over 26 months, at an ROI of about 147% (about 70% annually). $30k over 26 months isn't going to help us quit our day jobs, but consider our ROI. We've crushed the stock market over this period, and accomplished that without putting our futures at risk. If we had bought 10 times as many properties, we may have made 10 times as much, or we might have gone broke and shattered our credit along the way. As it is, Biff and I are in a solid position to float any of our properties that might struggle, while still being in a good position to slowly expand our holdings.

So take a long look at yourself. If you aren't the type of person who is already maxing out their 401k, and putting money aside every month to invest for the future, then your motivations for pursuing riches in real estate are probably suspect.

Few people become instant millionaires in real estate, and most of those who do, find themselves in deep trouble shortly down the road.


Chris Lengquist said...

Right on. I speak non-stop about the advantages of real estate investing. Investing, not speculating. Not gambling.

Also, I loved that you mention you have a 401K. I do, too. And I mention it every once in a great while and it seems to suprise people? Why. What is wrong with a little diversification?

三重古天樂 said...

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Blogger said...

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梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

YouTube頻道「酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金」親自前往酒店帶人出場,回到家中做了酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?訪談,一開始就談及職場須知 【酒店PT 】「薪資」話題,這名「酒妹」(未透露姓名,以此做為代替)的月薪居然高達30幾萬,她甚至還吃驚做為工程師的蔗糖男月薪5到6萬「好低」。

梁爵 said...

2020.07.30不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因日本鑑於東京酒店區染疫人數快速竄升,政府衛生單位週一推出系列影片,邀請酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容招待拍攝防疫教育影片,過程以Q&A方式進行,主題我在酒店上班的日子圍繞在必知新冠肺炎資訊,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?以期能防止疫情持續擴大。Alarmed by a spike in infections in Tokyo’s nightlife districts, the metropolitan government has released educational videos in the form of a Q&A between nightclub hosts, a hostess and a doctor, hoping to stem the spread of the coronavirus.「你覺得年輕的新冠肺炎患者會出現什麼樣的病症?」
“What kind of symptoms can a young COVID-19 patient expect?”
“What are medical costs like?”
酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?」“How often should we sanitize our hands?”三支影片中邀請在紅燈區工作的年輕酒店接待。自從、五月底日本政府解除緊急狀態,東京紅燈區爆出多人確診新冠肺炎案例。Those are some of the questions posed in the three videos that feature young workers from nightclubs in the city’s red-light districts where infections have crept up since the government lifted a state of emergency in late May.第一則約7至8分鐘的影片邀請到知名酒店男公關平良翔太,他向醫生詢問一些基本,像是無症狀患者確診後是否有可能傳染給他人。In the first of the 7-8 minute videos, a nightclub host Shota Taira asks the doctor general questions such as whether an asymptomatic person who has tested positive could infect others. 得到解答後,平良翔太把心型抱枕拋出,象徵交棒給下一位受訪酒店小姐一条響。

梁爵 said...

梁曉尊來幫你解答: 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?
再來普羅大眾網路PTT時常發問: 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?如果真的要應徵酒店小姐 有什麼要注意的?要如何保護自己?
梁曉尊再教你另一種保護自己的方式: 透過Google搜尋酒店經紀的名稱,是否有相關事業! 。如果只是看到漂亮的網頁 ,但沒有任何內容也別輕易相信(因為很多不肖酒店人士,透過假網頁做非法之事)共同點 經紀人名稱Google搜尋不到,更沒有本人照片(女孩們千萬要特別注意)。

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

缺錢公關 轉戰傳播、酒店兼職飯局以北市中山區目前最大的一間禮服店來說,上周末有100名酒店上班公關上班,僅疫情前一半;另家高檔便服店,則酒店工作只有15人到班,只有之前的2成。張姓業者形容,他有18間包廂,晚上7時營業,預約酒客10分鐘就客滿了,但酒店應徵
業者提高坐檯費 漲約1成

梁爵 said...

豐盛國際娛樂(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️豐盛國際娛樂台北酒店經紀梁曉尊 Lady of Law專業經紀團隊女人經濟要獨立,勇於改變自己的生活讓我們陪伴妳


