When you are right, you are right...
I don't always choose to toot my own horn (you know, on the rare occasion that I'm actually right), but I read something today that harked back to my "lucky rich" article. Ben Stein just recently wrote a great article for Yahoo! Finance. Ben Stein, who most of you know from Comedy Central's Win Ben Stein's Money, is also an extremely intellegent investor and all around businessman.
Mr. Stein's article, titled "Success Is All in a Day's Work" has some very familiar themes to me. I believe very strongly in those ideas and I thoght I'd give you the cliff notes version here:
[...]I know a lot of really successful people -- in finance, in government, in politics, in Hollywood, in journalism, in literature.I like to believe that I know some quite successful people as well. I also know quite a few individuals that I consider quite wealthy. But my social circle is nothing like Stein's. This man knows CEO's, actors, executives at all levels, writers, politicians and pretty much the entire cultural spectrum. He knows success on levels that I'm not even aware of.
Their common denominator is a modicum of talent and a capacity and an eagerness -- not just a willingness, but an eagerness -- to work like Trojans to get ahead. I don't know of one really successful, famous man or woman who didn't work insanely hard to get there and to stay there. (I don't count heirs and heiresses as successful.)
He agrees with me (or, more likely, I agree with him) that lazy people don't become what I refer to as "lucky rich". The laziest man on earth could become relatively wealthy if he's just patient and doesn't spend his money. But he's not going to become wildly successful. Is working your ass off a guarentee of becoming extremely wealthy? Not at all, but it is a prerequisite.
It's best if the seeker loves his work so much that he or she doesn't even consider it a burden, but rather a joyful, fulfilling, highly organizing principle of life.Real estate is a great way to build wealth, but make no mistake about it. It's a lot of work. I research real estate law in my spare time (and build lots of models to get a better understanding of how real estate is affected by various variables). I spend a fair amount of time working on the accounting. I spend even more time doubling checking my accounting for errors and working on taxes. For me this is all relatively easy since I am so fascinated by the numbers and laws of real estate.
My partner Biff, on the other hand has no interest in those numbers. Oh, he's every bit as capable as I at working out the calculations (accounting math is extremely easy, and Biff is a very smart man). But for some reason or another he has very little interest in those numbers, they don't capture his interest like they do mine. However he is very good with people and has an interest in the more physical aspects of real estate. He enjoys making small repairs, or showing the apartment to prospective tenants. All of our tenants really get along well with him, he's just that type of guy.
Either one of us on our own would probably struggle to maintain a real estate investment, simply because the work would invariably outlast our patience. But since we are able to mostly stick within the areas that fascinate us, we're still pushing strong into our 3rd year of investing.
Bear that in mind if you want to get into real estate investing yourself. The work is not nessecarily difficult, but there is a lot of it to do. It's easy to fall behind on your accounting, or put off posting that vacancy advertisement if you aren't really excited about it, especially if you work another full time job like Biff and I. Being excited about real estate is a one of the most important qualities in a good real estate investor.
There's nothing wrong with seeing your life as something divorced from your work. There's not a thing amiss in not caring if you ever get to be in the headlines or on TV. But if that's what you desire, you have to get to work.
台北市中山區酒店經紀「咪董」余進福,上個月因病過世享年56歲,生前他經營經紀公司投資酒店工作,號稱掌握中山區三分之一酒店經紀,但為人低調,鮮少曝光,熟悉他的朋友透露,「咪董」到中山區投資酒店,酒店經紀帶入禮服店的文化,為人海派,道上兄弟,如果要談事,只要選「咪董」店,他都會從中斡旋,深得黑白兩道敬重。夜幕低垂,燈紅酒綠的酒店一個個亮起招牌,經紀人帶著小姐酒店打工穿梭每間店家,台北中山區巔峰時期,人稱「咪董」的余進福管理經紀公司,手握數百位酒店小姐,宛如酒店帝國傳奇,只是這位咪董上個月因病過世,享年56歲。 咪董民間友人:「他是算比較早一輩的,那後面有市區的酒店生態,也是經由他開始有禮服店,有進化。」咪董下個月舉行告別式,靈堂外許多朋友送來花籃,弔唁這位昔日酒店大亨,親屬低調不願受訪,余進福在北投發跡,是北聯幫出身,後來地盤延伸到中山區,個性海派,黑白兩道通吃,經常親自出面處理各種事情,也讓地方人士相當佩服,但談到生意,個性強勢拆帳,尤其要求清楚,除了開經紀公司,還有投資酒店。記者黃書葦:「人稱咪董的余進福,號稱擁有中山地區三分之一的酒店小姐,而傳出早期他也曾經投資許多酒店生意。」中山區知名的金磚酒店系列,傳出咪董也有股份在其中,旗下經紀公司小姐也有許多在這裡上班。咪董民間友人:「要喬事情或怎樣,那一般的店會閃,咪董不會,咪董反而會主動去邀說,是不是過來這邊來講一下,等於搓合滿多不必要的糾紛。」雖然個性海派,對朋友義氣十足,交友廣闊,下個月咪董告別式,預計會有不少好友和幫派大哥現身,警方也將到場戒備蒐證,咪董過世,昔日酒店大亨的傳奇成為過去,中山區酒店勢力範圍,勢必重整。
2020.06.01酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容背滿學貸信貸,優渥人生對妳而言好遙遠?快來哈囉舒壓,我在酒店上班的日子給自己一個機會,不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因成就日收破萬高薪人生! 工作環境單純,安全更無憂。想脫貧?這次好機會別錯過。酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金免繳保證金/免證件/不綁約。薪資超透明 月入10萬不是夢。服務: 安全面試, 最佳顧問, 單純保證, 安全呵護。一、酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店小姐的收入有多少?有急用可以借支嗎? 職場須知 【酒店PT 】以一個〝單純〞陪酒的酒店小姐,一天的收入約3000~7000(不含小費)除非有〝額外〞的服務,一天可以領。酒店小姐藝名用疊字感覺活潑易記
雙雙 寶寶 安安 依依 佩佩 菲菲 婷婷 飄飄 麗麗
蓉蓉 師師 小小 圓圓 蕊蕊 水水 珊珊 堯堯 嘉嘉
冰冰 霜霜 柔柔 寧寧 薇薇 佳佳 露露 娜娜 暄暄
茶茶 琪琪 巧巧 妞妞 玲玲 妍妍 晨晨 莎莎 芳芳
點點 慧慧 真真 嬋嬋 珍珍 佳佳 婷婷 芊芊 多多
便服店: #王牌酒店 #香閣里拉酒店 #麗園酒店 #龍亨酒店 #香水酒店 #金典酒店 #威晶酒店 #威士登酒店。
禮服店: #麗緻忠孝酒店 #麗緻敦南酒店 #維多立亞酒店 #百達妃麗酒店 #萬豪酒店 #金荷酒店 #大富豪酒店 #絕色酒店。
制服店:#麗都 #淘寶酒店 #金碧輝煌酒店 #金昌酒店 #金聰酒店 #君悅酒店 #盛世酒店 #奧斯卡酒店 #龍昇酒店 #龍昌酒店 #百富酒店 #台北東區酒店兼職。
2者不同的差異性,給各位做個酒店工作內容: 桌面服務,一般人通常會想偏,其實桌面服務
是很簡單,也很單純的一件事。桌面服務有以下幾個要點: 看了很多篇酒店文,好像很少有男生寫經驗? 我是酒店少爺,在滿18歲那天開始上班雖然不是第一次進去酒店,不過以工作人員的身份倒是頭一次,有一些沒有接觸過酒店的姐妹來找我應徵酒店小姐的時候,我們談的都很融洽,實際上她們也很需要來酒店上班賺錢,可是後來卻沒有來上班,不是沒有休假?那個是有簽約的對吧?
許多來酒店應徵的小姐都一定會詢問,請問: 到酒店上班當酒店小姐就一定要出場陪睡接s嗎?其實現在的酒店已不像大家刻版印象中的不人道。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因1998年以前到酒店上班的小姐客人看上了酒店小姐想帶小姐出去,酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?店家確實一定會強迫小姐陪睡出場接S。
現在是文明的時代也是Google網路搜尋資訊的年代了! 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店的環境變化很大,由以前傳統制度酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?演化改為人性化管理,也就是因為酒店業者增多各家【百家爭鳴】酒店競爭大,各家酒店業者透過【開放自由管理方式】,來招募更多的酒店小姐。
所以現在的酒店也不會像電影/電視連續劇一樣,強制小姐一定要跟客人出場,現在酒店上班將酒店小姐出場的方式改為小姐個人意願,客人要帶小姐出場時會告知小姐要去那裡,只要小姐不願意跟客人出去店家沒人能逼妳,有些酒店只有規定小姐出場只需陪客人到客人想去的地方(例如:吃消夜 續攤 錢櫃 夜店 )當然也會告知雙方(有床的地方不能去 例如:妳家/客人家/旅館/飯店/辦公室)苗頭不對可立即離開。
也不可能要求小姐跟客人出去就一定要接S,當然也會有部份小姐因為想賺取更多的收入,而跟客人私下交易自已接S,所以酒店小姐到酒店上班出場接S完全屬於小姐個人行為,也不必擔心說到酒店上班就一定要出場或接S的。(我們絕對不會去勉強妳,我梁曉尊也不願意強迫小姐 做她不想做的事。)
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